Sunday, October 27, 2019

Popularity Towards TV Reality Shows

Popularity Towards TV Reality Shows This is my assignment of Academic English. That was included two question which is discuss about constant rise on the popularity of TV reality shows and give my views on the shows. I feel this assignment so challenging, especially question 2 is interested in me. Question 2 is want me to explain about success is due to ones hard work or inspiration. Definition of hard work is intention to do everything, as long as you are 100% mind into a good thing to do is the best. Definition of inspiration is a grabbing of methods or things of thought. I will choose success is due to ones hard work and I will relate it. This assignment answer resources from website and some answer I have discuss with my classmate. Reality Shows Reality television shows have been around for a long time. It has changed the media landscape drastically since the turn of the millennium. Owing to its interactive nature, reality television shows has become a highly marketable advertising vehicle. Real life, unscripted TV shows bring drama, comedy, or romance into peoples homes. In view of reality television shows rising popularity and potential in marketing, the influence of these programs is of public interest. When the television program shows debuted in the summer of 2000 in North America, the reality television became very popular. Subsequently, many new reality television shows have been launched everywhere. The rise in the popularity of reality television shows at the present time can be considered as phenomenal in the world media landscape. Many reality television shows have created the history in terms of peoples participation and revenue generation. A lot of reality television shows are popularity like American idol or Fear factor and others. I like to watch the reality television shows is Fear factor. Fear factor is a show of challenges limit and looking for stimulus. Many people or actors also will go take part the show and test their level of daring. After finish the game, the winner can win some money. This show also attracts me because it is so stimulus. I will watch this show every weekend. Reality television in form and content provides the user with programming that seems to be both engaging as well as entertaining. So what does reality television offer its viewers? Is it even content thats worth watching? While viewing reality television shows we do not see the real picture but rather see what the producers see as the real. Since the producers are the ones that set the story for the shows, the actors or rather participants have little or no say in the final outcome thats broadcast. This is controversial of the shows, sometimes they just want to order to capture a mass audience in hopes for major advertisement spo nsors. Most of this show is built around the idea of cheap production and high profits rather than entertainment. If a production companies creates a show with the explicit intention of trying to make money from the humiliation and suffering which they themselves create for unsuspecting people, then that seems to me to be immoral and unconscionable. Television shows such as Talk Shows, that are watched by me frequently have persuaded me in making many of my judgments. I come across at least six or seven Talk Shows within an hour. Talk Shows in the world of television, have undoubtedly taken up almost every inch of space on daytime television, and while doing so have caused much controversy. I am fond of watching reality television shows because I can get some knowledge from the show. We can get some news from the shows. So now, many young people prefer to watch and enjoy reality television shows. Different viewers have different reasons why they do so, and there lays the underlying effects of watching. Watching these reality shows has effects on the viewers and the society in general. It may be positive to some audiences, but it also has many negatively, depends on how one views. Unfortunately, this is also why reality shows have a negative impact on the audience because they think, act, and feel, like the shows stars, and in the process loses their own sense of thinking and real emotions towards certain situations. Reality television shows and their effects on society are also dependent on the viewers desires and motives, they see themselves in these stars and somehow these stars are living their lives through the show. Like power or influence, travel and living, survi val, beauty and satisfaction, revenge and honor, etc. More people are enjoy a certain sense of pleasure and satisfaction when they watch these reality television shows and their effects on society are continuously mirrored in the way they interact with others, deal various situations, and face certain challenges. The one must be keen in absorbs the messages of these shows and everyone must remember that each individual handle scenarios, problems, dilemmas, are differently. What makes it worse than the way it is affects people now is that people get entertained by the sadness, depression, frustration, and emptiness that reality stars feel and experience in the show. Reality television shows have become so ingrained that many people cant have enough reality television news. At the site, it is not only will we have all of the reality television news you want, but we will tell you about reality television casting calls and reality television auditions that are coming up. I simply cannot think of any excuse for such actions pointing out that others are willing to watch such event does not relieve them of the responsibility for having orchestrated the events and willed the reactions in the first place. The mere fact that they want others to experience humiliation, embarrassment, and or suffering is itself unethical; actually going forward with it is even worse. A major boost in self confidence is advantage of reality shows, like someone join the reality television shows, he can learn something from the shows and improve himself on the reality television shows. The overwhelming majority of critics, however, view reality TV as a poison so lethal to TV and the public that it is destroying TV. Austin Cline, an guide, questions the ethics of reality TV and even goes so far as to say much reality television shows is achieve significant popularity but it also says that does not mean that they are good for society or that they should be aired. Is it really damaging to TV and the youth in general? On the contrary, reality TV serves many beneficial purposes to not only the public, but amazingly also the TV industry. It is hard to believe that shows that have paved the way for teens and something to deal with and overcome problems of emotional, physical and psychological natures are labeled as part of the genre that serves no value. Reality television shows are not documentaries. People are not put into situations simply to see how they are react the situations are heavily contrived, they are altered in order to make things of they are interesting and large amounts of footage are heavily edited into what the shows producers think will result in the best entertainment value for viewers. Entertainment, of course, often comes from conflict. Conflict will be created where none exists. If the reality television show cannot incite conflict during the filming, it can be created in how pieces of footage are stitched together. I like Fear factor this reality television shows because it is a stimulating shows. I like this kind of shows and watches someone is test their level of daring. I hope this kind of reality television shows can continue to play. Success is due to ones hard work I required to do the assignment question 2 and choose the one answer success is due to ones hard work or inspiration and relate the answer of I have choose. I will choose the answer of the success is due to ones hard work. Ive read a lot of prescriptions for success, but these days you dont hear much about hard work. Its certainly a factor, but is it really the preeminent qualification for success? I really believe it is. Innovation doesnt happen without hard work. Producing a great product or service doesnt happen without hard work. Real leadership happens in the trenches, not on the golf course. Software doesnt get produced without thousands of hours of hard work. Of course, you have to be smart, you have to have the right strategy, and you have to have a great culture. Every man wants success in life. He may be a farmer working in the fields. He may be a school teacher or an employee in an office and he may be a businessman or a politician. Hard work is an important factor in the success. Someone work to pay their mortgage, put gas in their car, to buy food, to pay for their tax, to pay for their utilities and once in a while for something special like a book or a trip. Someone also work to be able to afford luxuries like this computer and the Internet. Hardworking is more important than inspiration because you never know when the inspiration was coming. If you want to upgrade yourself, only one choice it is hard work. If someone hardworking then he is a half success. Every people hope for success but not every people can be hard work. However, as for thousands of years people in cognitive bias, hard-working gives a lot of psychological pressure. Many people are afraid of hard work, to avoid hard work, refused even to hard-working but some people also not afraid of hardship and fatigue and their endurance are strong. If someone are smart but never hardworking to work also cannot to be success. They are not voluntary, because they believe if can endure hardship then they can to be succeed in the future. People who hard work, often far away from wine, color, money, gas, greatly contribute to the physical and mental health. Hard work busy person, use their energy in learning and their work, there is no time to glance right and left, there is no time for sad and painful, there is no time to calculating others, far fewer troubles and suffering. Hard work not only for fitness, keep fit, it also to medical treatment, disease prevention. Hard work to study and can absorb all kinds of knowledge, so that we can do anything more with less. It has been proven that hard work leads you to success in your life but there are also other factors to be considered. We got many examples of people who are successful in this world. Obama was born in Africa and started his life as a lecturer and become the president of United States as we all know now, and this was possible because he work hard. In other words, if you want to be successful in life you should improve skills like good attitude and better organization skills. Good qualification can help us to be success. We should have a degree from a good university and that will give us a practical experience. Language is also very important. Someone is not good in language. Then also can learn English which will help us to get a better job and we can also learn other languages like Japanese that will give us more chances of getting a better job than others. Interpersonal skill is considered to be very important. We should be able to communicate with friends and family and also with our company workers. In general qualification gives us the basic knowledge we need in our life. It also depends on our hardworking. Then, we should have a good attitude. We should never lose hope and be positive, even if we have a position. You maybe not success now but later in life just like athletes who think he will succeed even after lose the match but succeed later in life. Be confident especially when you are starting a new work. If you have good attitude you have nothing to lose, because it give you a feeling of success. Of course, it also needs us to hard work. Organization skills also a very important point to be successful and without it that we will never be successful. Many employers are looking to hire people who are good at coordinating things like negotiating with others and efficiently managing meetings. Never start something without making a plan, especially when we are starting a new job or planning for our future studies or project. We have nothing to lose, even if we dont work we also can use our organization skills anywhere. Other people think that only hard work will lead to success in our life. However, the overwhelming evidence suggests the contrary, that hard work has nothing to do with success and is actually counterproductive. If hard work is supposed too produce success, then it would stand to reason that everyone who works hard would be successful. But that is far from the case. Most people who work hard never come close to being successful. In fact, most hard workers have a much higher incidence non-success than they have success. Like someone works all their lives cleaning buildings, moping floors, vacuuming carpet and sanitizing washrooms. They dont even get pay rise and have to work more hours. They success because maybe they are hardworking before. There are many reasons people should have these sets of skills like qualification, good attitude and better organization skills. Because we dont want to be left behind from others in our life and by having these sets of skills we have nothing to lose and we must hard work to rush our target. We will be more successful and will have more secure future. Conclusion I am enjoyed the process because two question is very attract for me just like question 2 because the question 2 is relate success is due to ones hard work or inspiration, explore this statement by agreeing the one of success factors stated. Then another question, question 1 is constant rise on the popularity of reality television shows. I already write some point to relate my views on such shows. I also use Fear Factor this reality television shows to be my example. This assignment let me benefited greatly, I very enjoy to do this assignment although I feel difficult before start the question but I can also settle the problem myself. I feel satisfaction to my assignment.

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